Sunday, February 18, 2024

February Happenings

 Life seems so have gotten very busy!  Two weeks ago I was making art.  I'm taking a year long class called Paint Your Hear & Soul 2024. This was week 3, painting Noses with Saskia Van Drunen.


Next, painting and Eye with Cecile Yardo.

Week 2, Portrait with Kate Thompson.

Then off to Tucson to meet with the moving company.  Packed the entire house and move back to Nebraska.  I've spent the entire week unpacking box after box.  Different home, not everything fits, less storage.  It has been a job.  I'm ready to go back to making art.


Shashi said...

Has been the same with me. Can’t find room to store all that I have so once again I have to be ruthless in giving away stuff

Shashi Nayagam said...

Lovely and i hope your move went ok