Sunday, March 16, 2025

Welt Pocket fun

Well I'd like to say that the "welt pocket" was fun, but it really wasn't.  I always try to do some testers before actually cutting into fabric that I spent several weeks making.  

The pocket turned out.  There are some things I could have done differently but I didn't.  I always learn something.

I am finally done with this project and I am very happy with the outcome.


Thursday, March 06, 2025

I found the perfect Lining fabric

I my stash of fabrics I found the perfect lining.  So I jumped the gun.  Putting in the Lining before pockets and belt loops.  Oh' well so it goes.  Now I'm contemplating putting in a slash pocket.  

Honestly I'm very ready to have this project finished. 


Sunday, March 02, 2025

Seeing an end


Well, I'm finally seeing an end to this project.  I can't even count the hours I have spent sewing scraps of fabric together. Yesterday I cut out my pattern.  I do have to say it was a bit scary!

I'm very happy with what it looks like so far.  Still needs a belt and lining fabric.  It'll be a fun one to wear.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The latest of my fabric venture


Every day this week I have made a little more progress on this project.  Rearranging the squares of fabric in a manner, so that they flow.  And every time I add more fabric the flow changes.

All this is done with scraps of fabric that I have saved, for I don't know how many years?!?  I want to turn it into a Bathrobe.  Now I have to decide how or if I want to line it???  Stay tuned

Thursday, February 20, 2025

This is our newest member "Archie".  He is quite the character. The other day we found him here. 

I'm continuing to work on making fabric.  It's been very cold outside and this has been keeping me busy.


Monday, February 17, 2025

Snowday sewing

 Yesterday day I spent quite a few hours sewing scraps of fabric together.  It's been fun to see the progress and how it changes from day to day.  

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Here are three of the four Paper Maché pieces I worked on in January.  Still have one more to-do. 

Right now I have about four running projects.  One of the bigger ones is making fabric, from scrap fabrics.  I follow Kate Jackson and she put out a video about "no scraps left behind".  Well I have a ton of scraps, that I saved over the years.

Inspired, and I dove in.  I'll let the picture do the talking.


The above picture is from yesterday!  Continuing on!