Sunday, May 23, 2021

Time flies when you're having fun

 Oh' where does the time go???  I've been busy!  And need to get back into the habit of sharing on my blog.  I've been playing with different things.  Made a clothes line basket, took a workshop with Lewis Rossignol, took a Robot workshop with Michael DeMeng, made an upcycled apron, took advantage of a weekend long free work shop with Jenny Grant, went to a wedding in CA, went to Beach, played with my dog and that is just to name a few things. 

Time does not stand still.  Hope you enjoy some of the pics.

1 comment:

Baja Betty said...

WOW, you are a bundle of energy. At 80 I've slowed down a whole bunch. Love to see your work and what you are up to.
Hugs, Betty